Wiener Koalano Kai Terms of Use

The Wiener Koalano Kai (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Association’) Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Terms’) set out the conditions of use for the Wiener Koalano Kai’s electronic information and related services (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Service’) provided.
By registering as a member of the Association, you are entitled to receive services such as a musician business card and social networking services.
Members of the Association (hereinafter referred to as ‘Members’) are deemed to have agreed to these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy from the moment they use the Service.

Article 1 (Purpose)
The Site is operated by the Association (Wiener Koalano Kai) and these Terms and Conditions are intended to set out the conditions of use, confirmations and precautions between the Association its Members.

Article 2 (Agreement to these Terms and Conditions)
The use of the Association’s services by the Member is conditional upon the Member agreeing to these Terms and Conditions. When a Customer uses the services of the Association, the Association deems that the Customer has understood and agreed to these Terms and Conditions.

Article 3 (Use of the Association’s services)
The Site shall provide musicians’ names, social networking services, person-to-person messaging services and information after membership registration, and the details of the Association’s services, order procedures, etc. may be stipulated on each page of the website in addition to these Terms and Conditions.

If the Association determines that a Member falls into any of the following categories, the Association may, without prior notice or demand, restrict or delete the Member’s account, permanently or temporarily suspend the Member’s access to the Service, or delete the Member’s contributions.

The Member shall comply with the following points when registering as a member of the Service:
– The Member shall not provide false personal information or create another person’s account without authorisation.
– The Member shall not create more than one personal account.
– If an account is suspended by the Association, a new account cannot be created without the Association’s
– The user shall maintain the contact details of the account in a condition that ensures that the user can receive
emails from the Association.
– The user shall not share passwords, allow others to access the account or engage in any other activities that may
jeopardise the security of the account.
– The Member may not transfer their account to another person.
– The Member is responsible for keeping their account password and other details safe and confidential. If a
member becomes aware of any evidence that their account has been used by an unauthorised person, the
member shall immediately notify the Association. The Association may deem a Member’s account to have been
used by the Member even if it was used by a third party other than the Member in question.

The Association is constantly innovating in order to provide better functions and services to its members. In order to achieve this purpose, the Service may be changed, functions added, provision of the Service or its functions may be discontinued, and new restrictions may be imposed on the use of the Service without prior notice.

Members use the Service after agreeing to the possibility of advertisements being placed in the information they receive from the Service and the possibility of notices and advertisements being sent to their registered e-mail address from the Association and companies, etc. they follow.

Article 4 (Method of payment of member fees)
Members shall pay the fees stipulated by the Association for the Service by the methods designated by the Association.
The Member shall pay the usage fees stipulated by the Association for the Service by any of the following methods specified by the Association:

  • Bank transfer whereby any transfer fees shall be borne by the Member.
  • Means of payment using a credit card
  • Other means of payment as determined by the Association.

The usage fees stipulated by the Association are subject to change. In the event that the Association changes the usage fees, the Association shall make the changed usage fees and the start date of application of the usage fee change available to Members in advance. The change in usage fees shall take effect for individual Members at the time of renewal of the Member’s period of use in accordance with the following article, which is the first time the usage fee change comes into effect after the start of application of the usage fee change.
If the Member does not agree with the price change, the Member may reject the price change by cancelling the subscription in accordance with the following article before the price change comes into effect.

Article 5 (Period of membership and renewal of registration)
– The period of membership shall be the period prescribed by the Association.
– Unless the membership is cancelled before the expiry of the relevant period, the member will receive a
confirmation e-mail two weeks prior to membership renewal. If no change is made, the amount registered for the
relevant period will be automatically debited for the following period as well.
– The Member may terminate their membership by indicating their intention to do so in a manner
determined by the Association. Unless otherwise stipulated, the Association shall not carry out any cancellation
procedures from third parties by e-mail, telephone, mail or in person. (See Article 12)
– Cancellation of membership in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall take effect at the expiry
of the period of use.

Article 6 (Outsourcing)
The Association may outsource all or part of its operations such as site management, payment processing on its behalf and other operations as necessary.

Article 7 (Reasons for non-acceptance and prohibited acts)
The Association may, at its discretion, refuse to accept an application or terminate membership if any of the following apply:

  • If the person is in violation of these Terms and Conditions.
  • In the event of the Member’s death, or in the event of court-ordered guardianship.
  • If the person has been suspended from using the service or has had his/her membership registration cancelled in the past.
  • If the person is found to be a member of a criminal organisation, a associate of a criminal organisation, a special intelligence group or any other equivalent anti-social force (hereinafter referred to as ‘anti-social forces’), or if you cooperate or participate in the maintenance, operation or management of anti-social forces through the provision of funds or other acts.

In addition to the above, the Association can deem it appropriate to suspend the account or delete User Contents if:

  • the person has suspended payment or filed for bankruptcy.
  • the user is impersonating another person and providing information to the Association that is not that person’s own.
  • the Association deems that the person is otherwise unsuitable.
  • the person employs actions that use or distribute harmful programmes such as computer viruses through or in relation to the services of this association.
  • the person employs actions that are or may be contrary to laws and regulations or public order and morals.
  • the person engages in acts that interfere with the operation of the website.
  • the person employs actions that violate these Terms of Use or any other terms and conditions stipulated by the Association.

Article 8 (Member contributions and use of member content)
The Service provides opportunities for Members to share their own contributions to other Members of the Service and third parties around the world. All posts, comments, etc. posted, displayed and shared by Members themselves, or anything related to them, are referred to as “User Content” in these Terms and Conditions and are subject to the following conditions:
– The Association will not endorse the recommendations or opinions of any particular Member, but will conduct periodic reviews of User Content. Members agree to view and use User Content at their own discretion and responsibility.
– The Member warrants that the User Content posted by him or her on the Service does not infringe the rights of any third party or violate any laws or regulations. These rights or laws and regulations include, but are not limited to, intellectual property rights and privacy rights.
– The Association reserves the right to delete User Content at its own discretion in cases where User Content violates these Terms and Conditions or are significantly unrelated to culture and the arts, in order to ensure that all members can use the website comfortably.
– In principle, comments on user content will be deleted without prior notice in the event that they are in breach of these Terms and Conditions and the person concerned reports infringement of rights, defamation, slander or harassment.

Article 9 (Member responsibility and compensation for damages)
Members shall manage their account information, including the account information set up through the use of payment agents, at their own risk.
The Association shall assume no responsibility for any disadvantage to the Member caused by errors in the information provided by the Member or by the Member’s failure to request an update of the account details.
In addition, any damage resulting from negligent management of account information, misuse or unauthorised use by a third party shall be the responsibility of the Member and the Association shall assume no liability whatsoever.
If a dispute arises between a Member and another Member or a third party in the use of the Association’s services, the Member shall resolve the problem at his/her own expense and responsibility, and the Association shall not be involved in the dispute at all.
In addition, all account information may be deleted or erased when the information storage period expires or when the services of the Association are terminated for any reason, and the Association shall have no obligation to store such information for the customer. The Association shall not be liable for any damage incurred by the customer as a result of the deletion or erasure.
If a Member violates these Terms and Conditions or commits an illegal act and thereby causes damage to the Association, the Association may demand compensation from the Member, and the Member must immediately comply with such demand.

Article 10 (Temporary Suspension and Change and Termination of Services)
The Association may temporarily suspend or cease all or part of the Association’s services without prior notice to Members in the event of any of the following:
(1) When system construction, maintenance, inspection or updating is carried out on a regular or urgent basis.
(2) When unavoidable in order to ensure system security.
(3) When it is difficult to provide the Association’s services due to force majeure, such as fire, power failure or natural disasters.
(4) In other cases where the Association deems it necessary to temporarily interrupt or suspend the Association’s services for operational or technical reasons.
In addition, the Association may, at its own discretion, add to or change the content of the Association’s services and may terminate the services if it is difficult to continue the services. In such cases, the Association shall announce or notify on the website the change or termination.

Article 11 (Changes to the Terms, etc.)
The Association may change the Terms at its sole discretion. In such cases, the changes shall take effect from the time of notification in a manner determined by the Association.
In the event that a Member uses the services of the Association after the date of change to these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the amended Terms and Conditions shall apply.
In addition, if there are provisions on the pages describing each service that conflict with these Terms and Conditions, the provisions on the pages describing each service shall apply.

Article 12 (Procedure for withdrawal from membership)
If a Member wishes to withdraw their membership, the Member shall follow the withdrawal procedure prescribed by the Association.
The Member agrees in advance that User Content posted by the Member may not be deleted even after the withdrawal procedure has been completed.
Even if the Member completes the withdrawal procedure or the contract based on the Agreement between the Association and the Member is terminated, Articles 7 to 15 shall remain valid.

Article 13 (Non-warranty)
The Association makes no warranty, whether expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, certainty, reliability or usefulness of information, data, etc. obtainable by Members through the Service.

Article 14 (Intellectual property rights)
Copyright and other rights relating to information on the website belong to the Association and may not be used without permission beyond the scope permitted by law, such as for private use.
The text, graphics, designs, images, data and files on this website are protected by copyright law, trademark law, design law, patent law and the Unfair Competition Prevention Act.
Unless otherwise stipulated in these Terms and Conditions, intellectual property rights on the website belong to the Association, business partners and other third parties who provide data, etc. to the Association.

Article 15 (Protection of personal information)
The Association respects the privacy of its customers and handles their personal information appropriately in accordance with the Association’s Privacy Policy.
⇒Related page ‘Privacy Policy‘ 7 February 2022